To post or not to post.

July 31, 2009

I have been long pondering over the issue of wether or not I should post some of my art and illustrations on my blog.  I really want to.  In fact, it was one of the motivating factors toward starting the blog in the first place.  But, what is holding my back is the idea that anyone will have access to my material.  Now, I am not claiming by any means that what I would post would start a sensation or that someone would even want to use it for their own purposes.  But it makes me a little weary that they even could.  What to do, what to do?   Any thoughts about the matter would be much welcomed.

Shoe Shots

July 15, 2009

As many people are probably aware, I am pretty “artsy.”  My artsiness has been the topic of many a late night conversation and I am frequently approached and asked questions like, “My, aren’t you arty?”  It is from this deep spring of artsy that Shoe Shots sprang. Shoe Shots are actually a really cool tradition with a really lame name that my dear friend Krista and I started in high school (or maybe it was another dear friend altogether in college?).  Basically, we like shoes.  We like our friends.  We like our friends shoes.  So we take pictures of them.  If you ask about it at a party we’ll fill you full of some crap about how you can tell so much about a person by their shoes.  About how the way people choose to express themselves, or not, through their footwear offers insight into their opinions of themselves and indeed their very souls!  We really are the worst.  So be it.  I give you… Shoe Shots.

Well, it has happened.  It seems like only yesterday I was clawing my way out of the dank Myspace cavern, and blinking stepped into the light of Facebook.  Now, two years later, I find myself standing at the edge of yet another chasm on my journey toward cyber enlightenment…. the blog.  It’s actually a tad bit silly how excited I’ve been to embark on this leg of my journey.  Many hours have been spent pondering on themes and titles as I absentmindedly dressed and redressed my beloved mannequins (at the store.  I’m not a crazy person with mannequins in his house.).  After careful consideration I think that I am ready.  Welcome to… “Gentleman’s Time”:

What is Gentleman’s Time?:

During Season One of The United States of Tara, Toni Collette walks in on her husband, John Corbett, taking part in some self-indulgence in the shower, which, she affectionately nicknames “Gentleman’s Time.”  While I do have high hopes for this blog, and I am not going to make any grand attempt at making it one thing or another, I am positive that it will be one thing for certain…self-indulgent.  So it is with great excitement that I invite you to be a part of my “Gentleman’s Time.”