She had long blonde hair that was tangled in waves and curls around her face; around her neck.  It was covered with a red knitted cap and she wore a long “sleeping bag” coat that used to be white.  She was beautiful, and had bright red lips.  He was wearing a fedora with a green ribbon tied around it and a bustle of pigeon feathers, shoved into the functioning hatband.  His sport coat was wool, and pink over a murky white polo shirt.  A woman’s  turquoise necklace topped it all, along with thick black glasses.  Needless to say, they had my attention.

As we all vied for seats on the 7 train, they settled across the car from me.  From underneath her coat she produced an unfinished  bowl ,made from yarn, and a crochet needle.  She began working on the rim, expressionless.

I got lost in the Weepies playing on my iPod.  Movement from the couple caught my attention.  The man appeared to be keeping a quiet rhythm with his hands and began moving his mouth across from me.  Almost immediately the woman matched his words, and continued to work to the rhythm.  I removed my iPod, but they were so quiet I couldn’t make out the words.  For the rest of our ride he kept quiet rhythm while they silently chanted.  I eventually got off the train and they continued on to FLushing, or who knows, together.

A smile crossed my face as I walked home.  I felt like I had been witness to something rare.  Two people, both slightly odd, who perhaps would feel out-of-place individually had found a place with each other, and were oddly existing… together.

Perhaps someday I’ll meet someone to chant with me on the 7 train.

Oddly... together