Shoe Shots

July 15, 2009

As many people are probably aware, I am pretty “artsy.”  My artsiness has been the topic of many a late night conversation and I am frequently approached and asked questions like, “My, aren’t you arty?”  It is from this deep spring of artsy that Shoe Shots sprang. Shoe Shots are actually a really cool tradition with a really lame name that my dear friend Krista and I started in high school (or maybe it was another dear friend altogether in college?).  Basically, we like shoes.  We like our friends.  We like our friends shoes.  So we take pictures of them.  If you ask about it at a party we’ll fill you full of some crap about how you can tell so much about a person by their shoes.  About how the way people choose to express themselves, or not, through their footwear offers insight into their opinions of themselves and indeed their very souls!  We really are the worst.  So be it.  I give you… Shoe Shots.