Baby steps seem to always work best for me.  You all know that before too long I will end up posting everything I draw, paint, sew, or glue regardless of who will be seeing it, but I thought I’d start small.  This is an Ecoweb that I drew from my Environmental Science class this quarter.  I’m just going to assume that y’all know what that is, or can at least figure it out.  If not, it’s adorable and you should just enjoy it.  I tried so very hard to draw something more realistic but alas, my drawings are always a little cartoony so I just embraced it.  Unfortunately, my prof. wasn’t so impressed.  She just looked at it and looked at me, wrinkled her nose, and said that the paper was too big.  Ouch.  Whatever, it’s adorable!!

My Ecoweb

p.s. The color was a little distorted in the transfer to the computer so I had to adjust it.